Pros and cons is a skill in our Distress Tolerance module that often is overlooked. It seems so basic and straightforward that we often do not give it the attention that it deserves. After all, we have heard advice all our lives about considering pros and con before making a big decision. But do we really sit down and write it out?
When making decisions, we have several things to consider. These factors may include our values, priorities, or progress toward long-term goals.
Also, when considering the pros and cons, it is necessary to complete a pro/con list for both sides of the equation. For example, we need to consider the pros and cons of doing “X” and also the pros and cons of not doing “X”. Often the responses are different for each scenario.
The decision may still be a bit unclear because some items may carry a heavier weight than other items. However, there is more clarity when everything is written down.
Another way to look at pros and cons is to consider short-term and long-term consequences. For example, it may feel good to spend money today, which can be justified through deserving to feel good for having the purchased product. The long-term consequence may be that the money was earmarked for other purposes and a short-term impulsive decision sabotaged other goals. It is, therefore, necessary to consider long-term effects as well as short-term effects of our decisions.