When we live by our values, things seem “right.” If we are not living by the values that we set for ourselves, the consequence is guilt, depression, poor self-concept, etc.
Our values guide us in living a life worth living. So, in order to build a life worth living, it is important to make decisions based upon our own value system.
Sometimes we are not clear in what our values are. It is possible that other people have told us what our values should be or we have been indoctrinated into a value system that we no longer agree with.
The first step is to identify the values that we embrace or want to embrace.
It is possible to have a value that we lost sight of — that we are not currently following. When this is recognized, then we can take steps to redirect our priorities.
Identifying our values and then committing to creating a lifestyle around the values is a key component in developing a positive self-concept and a life worth living.
Our value system serves as a guidepost to assist us in making life decisions. There are times when an urge in is conflict with our values. When this happens, we can consult our value system and ask ourselves what Wise Mind says regarding the most effective course of action.
A disciplined person can stay true to the values of health, self-care, and responsibility even with urges to engage in behaviors that compromise these values.