The thoughts in our heads may not be true. However, we accept them as the truth. If they are negative and hurtful, there is no reason to keep them around. It is then important to dissect the thoughts and assess their validity. It can be an uncomfortable task to deconstruct an idea or belief that has been a part of us for so long. Yet, it is a necessary step in the process of shifting our thoughts from the negative to the positive.
As we will learn from Alison Ledgerwood in the video below, the human being is hard-wired to focus on the negative. Social scholars have suggested that focusing on the negative helps protect us from dangers and potential threats. We might have a heightened awareness of these things so that we notice them and move ourselves to safety.
This means that it may take a more conscious effort to shift thoughts in a positive direction.
It is possible to develop beliefs about ourselves, others, or the environment that are skewed too far toward the negative, which then lead to pervasive feelings of depression, anxiety, self-doubt, etc. We accept the beliefs as truth and never question them.
What to do?
- Notice the thoughts/beliefs
- Question them. Are they true? What is the evidence?
- Rewrite them into a positive and encouraging thought/belief
- Develop new habits of paying attention to positive things
- Focus on gratitude