Do one thing mindfully with full attention and with intention. Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment. The attention can be turned inward toward body sensations, emotion, or breath. The attention can also be turned outward toward other people, objects, sounds, or behaviors. How we engage with mindfulness depends upon the situation.
A formal meditation practice is a form of mindfulness. However, not all mindfulness requires a formal meditation. We can be mindful while doing other things such as folding laundry, cooking, or having a conversation.
Mindfulness is about putting full attention on the object (whatever we are directing our attention toward) without attending to distracting thoughts or impulses. While it is true that we are not robots and our minds wander, the use of mindfulness practice allows us to notice the mind wandering and gently bring it back.
Through mindfulness practice, we can learn to quiet an active mind and find peace within ourselves.