Some people choose to set New Year's Resolutions for the upcoming year. My advice on the matter is to set goals -- both long-term and short-term -- …
Reducing Emotional Vulnerability
The PLEASE Master skill seems like common sense, and it is. After all, someone probably started teaching you about healthy behaviors before you were 5 …
Controlling Your Emotions
You are intelligent, and you have learned many things in your life through reading, attending classes, and experiencing life. If you think back on all …
Name That Emotion
"Name it and tame it" is the theme today. Name your emotion and it will subside. Sometimes emotions are clamoring to be heard. When we …
What is Distress Tolerance?
Welcome to the unit on Distress Tolerance -- the one place where we teach avoidance as a skill. I know, that doesn't sound right. We are taught our …
Do What Works
Do what works -- even if you have an urge to do otherwise. For example, you may have an urge to punch someone in the face. However, they may not be …
What is in-the-moment Mindfulness?
Mindfulness includes these 3 components: observing, describing, and participating. Mindfulness practice occurs throughout the day with whatever you …
Mindfulness Involves Being Fully Present
Mindfulness practice involves being fully present and aware of the present moment. This also encompasses being aware of our thoughts -- even if the …
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The Mindfulness Work Continues
Our mindfulness work continues with the practice of of the non-judgmental stance. Observe and just notice. Be compassionate, conscious, and loving as …
Mindfulness is One Component
Dr. Ron Siegel, one of the leading champions of mindfulness, stated that mindfulness is all that is necessary to combat anxiety, depression, or …