What do you if find yourself in a relationship with an emotional groomer? The easy answer is to get out and move on, but it is not always so simple. Of course, it is absolutely necessary to leave a relationship if it is violent or unsafe.
Open communication and conflict resolution can often repair some relationships. A healthy relationship is based upon mutual respect for each other without trying to control, coerce, manipulate, or keep secrets from each other. Both partners need to agree to this premise in order for it to work.
Often what is perceived as being romantic, can also be emotional grooming. If the proverbial “Prince Charming” comes in to sweep the helpless princess away, isn’t there an imbalance of power there? If there is a power imbalance in the relationship, then there is the likelihood of the dominant partner using that power to control the weaker partner.
Have you seen the movie, “The Notebook?” What was your take on it before? What is your take on it after having a deeper understanding of emotional grooming?