People have always sought to explain why things happen. Throughout history, we have used religion, science, myths and fables to to explain our world.
There have been amazing advances in science and technology as we learn more about all aspects of ourselves and our world. Progress has been amazing in improving human lives.
As the saying goes, “Knowledge is power.”
Could there be a dialectic (opposite) here?
Is there a strength in not knowing?
Sometimes asking “Why?” leads us down a path of pain and suffering. Sometimes we try to explain things that do not have have a good reason. Or the reason is irrelevant to our current existence.
Why do we need an explanation?
Ancient monks stated that learning to accept the mysteries of existence was the true path to enlightenment.
Perhaps these monks were describing the strength and freedom afforded through the practice of acceptance — accepting what is without fighting reality.
The practice of acceptance reduces human suffering. Reducing human suffering is the objective.