2020 may be more stressful than most years, but there is no reason for stress to disrupt the joy of the season. It is OK if things do not go as …
Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
This is when the modules collide. To get our bearings, DBT is organized into 4 modules: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, and …
Annoyed, impatient, frustrated? Try this.
Crisis Survival Skills do nothing to solve the problem that caused the emotional crisis. Don't be discouraged because that is not what these skills …
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Tolerating Distressing Situations
Have you ever noticed that when you feel an emotion really strongly, your brain seems to turn off? This often happens when we are angry or …
Strengthen your defenses
Strengthen your defenses by reducing emotional vulnerability. This means that we take care of ourselves on a daily basis so that we are at our best …
What more can be said about Distress Tolerance?
It's all about calming down so that problem-solving skills can be applied. However, this requires thinking of the skills in the moment before …
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Take the Time to Think of Pros & Cons
Pros and cons is a skill in our Distress Tolerance module that often is overlooked. It seems so basic and straightforward that we often do not give it …
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How to Tolerate Distressful Moments
Crisis Survival Skills are about getting through a difficult moment without making it worse. If you think about the things that make a situation …
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Calm down and “unfluster”
The first set of Distress Tolerance Skills are the Crisis Survival Skills. The first of the Crisis Survival Skills is Distracting. This skill may …